Legendary Item Traceries (Update 40)

Орнаменты легендарных предметов (Update 40)

Burglar Captain Champion Guardian Hunter Loremaster Minstrel Rune-keeper Warden Beorning Brawler Mariner
Heraldric Tracery
Heraldric Tracery
Геральдический узор
Heraldry of the Lion.
+872 Might
+1,220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

Герб льва.
Heraldry of the Serpent.
+872 Agility
+1,220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

Герб змеи.
Heraldry of the Eagle.
+872 Will
+1,220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

Герб орла.
Heraldry of the Ox.
+713 Might
+1,760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

Герб быка.
Heraldry of the Sparrow.
+713 Agility
+1,760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

Герб воробья.
Heraldry of the Bear.
+792 Might
+1,490 Vitality
+20300 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб медведя.
Heraldry of the Owl.
+792 Will
+1,490 Vitality
+20300 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб совы.
Heraldric Jeweller Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Light Recipe
Рецепт: Герб света
Heraldry of the Bright Lion.
+1550 Might
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Light-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб сияющего льва.
Heraldry of the Bright Serpent.
+1550 Agility
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Light-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб сияющей змеи.
Heraldry of the Bright Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Light-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб сияющего орла.
Heraldric Weaponsmith Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Precision Recipe
Рецепт: Герб меткости
Heraldry of the Keen Lion.
+1550 Might
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Critical Hit Chance
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Герб зоркого льва.
Heraldry of the Keen Serpent.
+1550 Agility
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Critical Hit Chance
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Герб зоркой змеи.
Heraldry of the Keen Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Critical Hit Chance
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Герб зоркого орла.
Heraldric Woodworker Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Alacrity Recipe
Рецепт: Герб проворства
Heraldry of the Swift Lion.
+1550 Might
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     -3% Attack Duration
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Герб стремительного льва.
Heraldry of the Swift Serpent.
+1550 Agility
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     -3% Attack Duration
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Герб стремительной змеи.
Heraldry of the Swift Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     -3% Attack Duration
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Герб стремительного орла.
Heraldric Scholar Craft Tracery
Heraldry of the Elements Recipe
Рецепт: Герб стихий
Heraldry of the Tempestuous Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Lightning-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Герб бушующего орла.
Heraldry of the Frigid Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Frost-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Герб ледяного орла.
Heraldry of the Blazing Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Fire-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3380 Tactical Mastery Rating

Герб пылающего орла.
Heraldric Tailor Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Willpower Recipe
Рецепт: Герб силы воли
Heraldry of the Stalwart Ox.
+1270 Might
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Tactical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Tactical Mitigation

Герб крепкого быка.
Heraldry of the Stalwart Sparrow.
+1270 Agility
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Tactical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Tactical Mitigation

Герб крепкого воробья.
Heraldric Metalsmith Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Armour Recipe
Рецепт: Герб доспехов
Heraldry of the Sturdy Ox.
+1270 Might
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Physical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Physical Mitigation

Герб выносливого быка.
Heraldry of the Sturdy Sparrow.
+1270 Agility
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Physical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Physical Mitigation

Геральдика выносливого воробья.
Heraldric Cook Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Healing or Recovery Recipe
Рецепт: Герб исцеления или восстановления
Heraldry of the Mending Bear.
+1410 Might
+1490 Vitality
+20300 Outgoing Healing Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Outgoing Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб исцеляющего медведя.
Heraldry of the Mending Owl.
+1410 Will
+1490 Vitality
+20300 Outgoing Healing Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Outgoing Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб исцеляющей совы.
Heraldry of the Resilient Ox.
+1270 Might
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Incoming Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Incoming Healing Rating

Герб стойкого быка.
Heraldry of the Resilient Sparrow.
+1270 Agility
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Incoming Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Incoming Healing Rating

Герб стойкого воробья.
Word of Power: Offensive
Word of Power: Offensive.
Слово силы: Нападение.
Area Effect Attack Criticals.
+5.5% Area Effect Attack Crit Chance
+33% Area Effect Attack Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Атака по области – критический урон.
Area Effect Attack Damage.
+27.5% Area Effect Attack Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Атака по области.
Damage Over Time.
+22% Damage Over Time
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Постепенный урон.
Ranged Attack Extension.
+11 Ranged Attack Extension
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Увеличение дальности атак дальнего боя.
Damage Over Time Criticals.
+5.5% Damage Over Time Crit Chance
+22% Damage Over Time Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Постепенный урон – крит. эффект.
Single Target Attack Damage.
+22% Single Target Attack Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Урон по одночной цели.
Single Target Attack Criticals.
+5.5% Single Target Attack Crit Chance
+22% Single Target Attack Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Атака по одночной цели – крит. урон.
Word of Power: Healing
Word of Power: Healing.
Слово силы: Исцеление.
Area Effect Healing.
+16.5% Area Effect Healing
+7380 Outgoing Healing Rating

Исцеление по области.
Area Effect Healing Criticals.
+5.5% Area Effect Healing Crit Chance
+22% Area Effect Healing Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Исцеление по области – крит. эффект.
Healing Over Time.
+22% Healing Over Time
+7380 Outgoing Healing Rating

Постепенное исцеление.
Healing Over Time Crit Rate.
+5.5% Healing Over Time Crit Rate
+22% Healing Over Time Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Постепенное исцеление – крит. эффект.
Ranged Healing Extension.
+11 Ranged Healing Extension
+7380 Outgoing Healing Rating

Увеличение дальности исцеления.
Single Target Healing.
+22% Single Target Healing
+7380 Outgoing Healing Rating

Исцеление одиночной цели.
Single Target Healing Criticals.
+5.5% Single Target Healing Crit Chance
+22% Single Target Healing Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Исцеление одиночной цели – крит. эффект.
Word of Power: Defensive
Word of Power: Defensive.
Слово силы: Защита.
Base Morale Multiplier (+5.5%).
x1 Maximum Morale
+406 Vitality

К базовому модификатору боевого духа (+5.5%).
Block Chance.
+2.2% Block Chance
+4470 Block Rating

Вероятность блокирования.
Evade Chance.
+2.2% Evade Chance
+4470 Evade Rating

Вероятность уклонения.
Incoming Heal Bonus.
+5.5% Incoming Heal Modifier
+4250 Incoming Healing Rating

Увеличение входящего исцеления.
Parry Chance.
+2.2% Parry Chance
+4470 Parry Rating

Вероятность парирования.
Partial Block Chance.
+4.4% Partial Block Chance
+4470 Block Rating

Вероятность частичного блокирования.
Partial Block Mitigation.
+5.5% Partial Block Mitigation
+4470 Block Rating

Смягчение урона при частичном блокировании.
Partial Evade Chance.
+4.4% Partial Evade Chance
+4470 Evade Rating

Вероятность частичного уклонения.
Partial Evade Mitigation.
+5.5% Partial Evade Mitigation
+4470 Evade Rating

Смягчение урона при частичном уклонении.
Partial Parry Chance.
+4.4% Partial Parry Chance
+4470 Parry Rating

Вероятность частичного парирования.
Partial Parry Mitigation.
+5.5% Partial Parry Mitigation
+4470 Parry Rating

Смягчение урона при частичном уклонении.
Incoming Damage Reduction (Physical).
-3.3% Incoming Melee Damage
-3.3% Incoming Ranged Damage
+2760 Physical Mitigation

Снижение входящего урона (физического).
Incoming Damage Reduction (Tactical).
-3.3% Incoming Tactical Damage
+2760 Tactical Mitigation

Снижение входящего урона (тактического).
Word of Power: Any
Word of Power: Any.
Слово силы: Любой.
Area Effect Target Count.
+4 Area Effect Target Count
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Эффект по области – число целей.
Skill Induction Speed.
-11% All Skill Inductions
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Время применения умений.
Word of Power: Any
Word of Power: Any.
Слово силы: Любой.
Skill Power Cost.
-16.5% Power Cost
+365 Maximum Power

Расход энергии.
Brawler: Word of Mastery
Brawler: General Buffs.
Задира: Основные эффекты.
Aggressive Posture Damage Bonus.
+3.0% Aggressive Posture Damage
+4250 Finesse Rating

'Атакующая стойка' – урон.
Ignore Pain Cooldown & Dispel Count.
+1 Ignore Pain Dispel Count
-5.5 Ignore Pain Cooldown
+4250 Incoming Healing Rating

'Презрение к боли' – перезарядка и количество снимаемых эффектов.
Joy of Battle Cooldown & Effects.
-66 Joy of Battle Cooldown
+55% Joy of Battle Offencive Strength
+1.65% Joy of Battle Heal Strength
+406 Vitality

'Боевой азарт' – перезарядка и эффекты.
One For All Cooldown.
-33 One For All Cooldown
+4250 Incoming Healing Rating

'Один за всех' – перезарядка.
Quick Feint Cooldown & Evasion Buff.
-11 Quick Feint Cooldown
+2.2% Feint Evade Bonus
+4470 Evade Rating

'Быстрый финт' – перезарядка и уклонение.
Brawler: Word of Mastery
Brawler: General Damage.
Задира: Основной урон.
Backhand Clout Targets & Damage.
+4 Backhand Clout Targets
+55% Backhand Clout Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating

'Удар наотмашь' – число целей и урон.
Basic Attack Damage.
+38.5% Set-up Skill Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating

Базовая атака – урон.
Finishing Attack Damage.
+27.5% Finisher Skill Damage
+4250 Finesse Rating

Завершающая атака – урон.
Fulgarant Strike Cooldown & Damage.
-4.4 Fulgarant Strike Cooldown Reduction
+38.5% Fulgarant Strike Damage
+3180 Critical Rating

'Неожиданная удар' – перезарядка и урон.
Get Serious Duration & Damage Buff.
+3.3 Get Serious Buff Duration
+5.5% Get Serious Damage Buff Effect
+3180 Critical Rating

'Серьезные намерения' – длительность эффекта и урон.
Helm-сrusher Cooldown.
-6.6 Helm-сrusher Cooldown
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating

'Крушитель шлемов' – перезарядка.
Hurl Object Cooldown & Damage.
-3.3 Hurl Object Cooldown
+55% Hurl Object Damage
+3180 Critical Rating

'Бросок предмета' – перезарядка и урон.
Mighty Upheaval Knockdown & Damage.
+33% Mighty Upheaval Knockdown Chance
+38.5% Mighty Upheaval Damage
+317 Might

'Могучее сотрясение' – отбрасывание и урон.
Brawler: Word of Mastery
Brawler: General Strength.
Задира: Основная сила.
Innate Strength: Critical/Mitigation.
+3.3 Set-up Buff Duration: Mitigation/Critical
+11% Set-up Buff Effect: Mitigation/Critical
+2760 Tactical Mitigation

Врожденная сила: критические атаки и смягчения.
Innate Strength: Damage/Threat.
+3.3 Set-up Buff Duration: Damage/Threat
+11% Set-up Buff Effect: Damage/Threat
+317 Might

Врожденная сила: урон и угроза.
Innate Strength: Finesse/Avoidance.
+3.3 Set-up Buff Duration: Avoidance/Finesse
+11% Set-up Buff Effect: Avoidance / Finesse
+4470 Evade Rating

Врожденная сила: искусность и увертливость.
Innate Strength: Skill Cooldowns.
-0.22 Set-up Skill Cooldowns
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating

Врожденная сила: перезарядка умений.
Brawler: Word of Mastery
Brawler: The Fulcrum.
Задира: Оплот.
Come At Me Cooldown & Mayhem Bubble.
-11 Come At Me Cooldown
+27.5% Moral Bubble Strength
+406 Vitality

'Нападай' – перезарядка и поглощение урона.
Mettle Shield Defence.
+33% Mettle Shield Strength
+406 Vitality

'Щит из рвения' – защита.
Plant Feet Cooldown & Mitigations.
-49.5 Plant Feet Cooldown
+27.5% Plant Feet Mitigation Effect
+406 Vitality

'Врасти в землю' – перезарядка и смягчение.
Brawler: Word of Mastery
Brawler: The Maelstrom.
Задира: Вихрь.
Fist of the Valar Cooldown & Damage.
-5.5 Fist of the Valar Cooldown
+38.5% Fist of the Valar Damage
+317 Might

'Кулак Валар' – перезарядка и урон.
Latent Light Proc Chance & Damage.
+11% Chance to trigger Latent Light
+22% Latent Light Damage
+2760 Tactical Mitigation

'Скрытый свет' – вероятность срабатывания и урон.
Shattering Fist Armour Debuff & Damage.
+36.3% Shattering Fist Armour Debuff
+38.5% Shattering Fist Damage
+3180 Critical Rating

'Сокрушительный кулак' – снижение брони и урон.
Brawler: Word of Mastery
Brawler: The Fundament.
Задира: Опора.
Battle-wise Mettle Chance.
+16.5% Battle-wise Mettle Chance
+3180 Critical Rating

'Боевой опыт' – вероятность получения дополнительного рвения.
Share Skills Cooldown.
-44 Share Skills Cooldown
+406 Vitality

'Дар врожденной силы' – перезарядка.
Word of Craft
Word of Craft
Слово ремесла
Empowered Blades.
+3380 Physical Mastery Rating

Усиленные клинки.
Empowered Block.
+5580 Block Rating

Усиленное блокирование.
Empowered Destruction.
+3980 Critical Rating

Усиленное разрушение.
Empowered Evasion.
+5580 Evade Rating

Усиленное уклонение.
Empowered Parry.
+5580 Parry Rating

Усиленное парирование.
Empowered Wizardry.
+3380 Tactical Mastery Rating

Усиленные чары.
Exemplary Block.
+5580 Block Rating

Совершенное блокирование.
Exemplary Evasion.
+5580 Evade Rating

Совершенное уклонение.
Exemplary Parry.
+5580 Parry Rating

Совершенное парирование.
Grand Armor.
+3440 Physical Mitigation

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Physical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Physical Mitigation

Великая броня.
Grand Willpower.
+3440 Tactical Mitigation

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Tactical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Tactical Mitigation

Великая сила воли.
Greater Resistance.
+7160 Resistance Rating

Несравненное сопротивление.
Heroic Alacrity.
+5310 Finesse Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     -3% Attack Duration
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Героическое проворство.
Perfect Healing.
+9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Outgoing Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Идеальное исцеление.
Heroic Precision.
+3980 Critical Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Critical Hit Chance
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Героическая меткость.
Perfect Recovery.
+5310 Incoming Healing Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Incoming Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Incoming Healing Rating

Идеальное восстановление.
Ascendent Flame.
+3380 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Fire-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3380 Tactical Mastery Rating

Восходящее пламя.
Ascendent Frost.
+5310 Finesse Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Frost-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Восходящий мороз.
Ascendent Light.
+3980 Critical Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Light-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Восходящий свет.
Ascendent Lightning.
+3980 Critical Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Lightning-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Восходящая молния.
Enduring Power.
+456 Maximum Power

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +22.8 in-Сombat Power Regen
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     -20% Power Cost

Длительная энергия.
Word of Craft: Cook Recipe
Word of Craft: Haste Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Быстрота

Umbari Word of Craft: Haste.
+3% In-Combat Run Speed
+3910 Evade Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Быстрота.
Word of Craft: Jeweller Recipe
Word of Craft: Defence Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Защита

Umbari Word of Craft: Defence.
+5% Critical Defence
+2070 Physical Mitigation
+2070 Tactical Mitigation

Умбарское слово ремесла – Защита.
Word of Craft: Metalsmith Recipe
Word of Craft: Anger Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Гнев

Umbari Word of Craft: Anger.
+15% Damage Threat
+5% Healing Threat
+4250 Finesse Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Гнев.
Word of Craft: Scholar Recipe
Word of Craft: Tactics Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Тактика

Umbari Word of Craft: Tactics.
+3.6% Tactical Critical Multiplier
+2790 Critical Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Тактика.
Word of Craft: Tailor Recipe
Word of Craft: Shadow Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Тьма

Umbari Word of Craft: Shadow.
-5% Damage Threat
-10% Healing Threat
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Тьма.
Word of Craft: Weaponsmith Recipe
Word of Craft: Fury Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Ярость

Umbari Word of Craft: Fury.
+5% Devastate Magnitude
+2790 Critical Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Ярость.
Word of Craft: Woodworker Recipe
Word of Craft: Focus Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Сосредоточенность

Umbari Word of Craft: Focus.
-8% All Skill Inductions
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Сосредоточенность.