Legendary Item Traceries (Update 40)

Орнаменты легендарных предметов (Update 40)

Burglar Captain Champion Guardian Hunter Loremaster Minstrel Rune Keeper Warden Beorning Brawler Mariner
Heraldric Tracery
Heraldric Tracery
Геральдический узор
Heraldry of the Lion.
+872 Might
+1,220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

Герб льва.
Heraldry of the Serpent.
+872 Agility
+1,220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

Герб змеи.
Heraldry of the Eagle.
+872 Will
+1,220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

Герб орла.
Heraldry of the Ox.
+713 Might
+1,760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

Герб быка.
Heraldry of the Sparrow.
+713 Agility
+1,760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

Герб воробья.
Heraldry of the Bear.
+792 Might
+1,490 Vitality
+20300 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб медведя.
Heraldry of the Owl.
+792 Will
+1,490 Vitality
+20300 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб совы.
Heraldric Jeweller Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Light Recipe
Рецепт: Герб света
Heraldry of the Bright Lion.
+1550 Might
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Light-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб сияющего льва.
Heraldry of the Bright Serpent.
+1550 Agility
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Light-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб сияющей змеи.
Heraldry of the Bright Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Light-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб сияющего орла.
Heraldric Weaponsmith Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Precision Recipe
Рецепт: Герб меткости
Heraldry of the Keen Lion.
+1550 Might
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Critical Hit Chance
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Герб зоркого льва.
Heraldry of the Keen Serpent.
+1550 Agility
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Critical Hit Chance
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Герб зоркой змеи.
Heraldry of the Keen Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Critical Hit Chance
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Герб зоркого орла.
Heraldric Woodworker Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Alacrity Recipe
Рецепт: Герб проворства
Heraldry of the Swift Lion.
+1550 Might
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     -3% Attack Duration
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Герб стремительного льва.
Heraldry of the Swift Serpent.
+1550 Agility
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     -3% Attack Duration
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Герб стремительной змеи.
Heraldry of the Swift Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     -3% Attack Duration
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Герб стремительного орла.
Heraldric Scholar Craft Tracery
Heraldry of the Elements Recipe
Рецепт: Герб стихий
Heraldry of the Tempestuous Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Lightning-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Герб бушующего орла.
Heraldry of the Frigid Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Frost-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Герб ледяного орла.
Heraldry of the Blazing Eagle.
+1550 Will
+1220 Vitality
+7440 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Fire-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3380 Tactical Mastery Rating

Герб пылающего орла.
Heraldric Tailor Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Willpower Recipe
Рецепт: Герб силы воли
Heraldry of the Stalwart Ox.
+1270 Might
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Tactical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Tactical Mitigation

Герб крепкого быка.
Heraldry of the Stalwart Sparrow.
+1270 Agility
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Tactical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Tactical Mitigation

Герб крепкого воробья.
Heraldric Metalsmith Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Armour Recipe
Рецепт: Герб доспехов
Heraldry of the Sturdy Ox.
+1270 Might
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Physical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Physical Mitigation

Герб выносливого быка.
Heraldry of the Sturdy Sparrow.
+1270 Agility
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Physical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Physical Mitigation

Геральдика выносливого воробья.
Heraldric Cook Craft Tracery
Heraldry of Healing or Recovery Recipe
Рецепт: Герб исцеления или восстановления
Heraldry of the Mending Bear.
+1410 Might
+1490 Vitality
+20300 Outgoing Healing Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Outgoing Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб исцеляющего медведя.
Heraldry of the Mending Owl.
+1410 Will
+1490 Vitality
+20300 Outgoing Healing Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Outgoing Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Герб исцеляющей совы.
Heraldry of the Resilient Ox.
+1270 Might
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Incoming Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Incoming Healing Rating

Герб стойкого быка.
Heraldry of the Resilient Sparrow.
+1270 Agility
+1760 Vitality
+6090 Physical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Incoming Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Incoming Healing Rating

Герб стойкого воробья.
Word of Power: Offensive
Word of Power: Offensive.
Слово силы: Нападение.
Area Effect Attack Criticals.
+5.5% Area Effect Attack Crit Chance
+33% Area Effect Attack Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Атака по области – критический урон.
Area Effect Attack Damage.
+27.5% Area Effect Attack Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Атака по области.
Damage Over Time.
+22% Damage Over Time
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Постепенный урон.
Ranged Attack Extension.
+11 Ranged Attack Extension
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Увеличение дальности атак дальнего боя.
Damage Over Time Criticals.
+5.5% Damage Over Time Crit Chance
+22% Damage Over Time Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Постепенный урон – крит. эффект.
Single Target Attack Damage.
+22% Single Target Attack Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Урон по одночной цели.
Single Target Attack Criticals.
+5.5% Single Target Attack Crit Chance
+22% Single Target Attack Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Атака по одночной цели – крит. урон.
Word of Power: Healing
Word of Power: Healing.
Слово силы: Исцеление.
Area Effect Healing.
+16.5% Area Effect Healing
+7380 Outgoing Healing Rating

Исцеление по области.
Area Effect Healing Criticals.
+5.5% Area Effect Healing Crit Chance
+22% Area Effect Healing Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Исцеление по области – крит. эффект.
Healing Over Time.
+22% Healing Over Time
+7380 Outgoing Healing Rating

Постепенное исцеление.
Healing Over Time Crit Rate.
+5.5% Healing Over Time Crit Rate
+22% Healing Over Time Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Постепенное исцеление – крит. эффект.
Ranged Healing Extension.
+11 Ranged Healing Extension
+7380 Outgoing Healing Rating

Увеличение дальности исцеления.
Single Target Healing.
+22% Single Target Healing
+7380 Outgoing Healing Rating

Исцеление одиночной цели.
Single Target Healing Criticals.
+5.5% Single Target Healing Crit Chance
+22% Single Target Healing Crit Magnitude
+3180 Critical Rating

Исцеление одиночной цели – крит. эффект.
Word of Power: Defensive
Word of Power: Defensive.
Слово силы: Защита.
Base Morale Multiplier (+5.5%).
x1 Maximum Morale
+406 Vitality

К базовому модификатору боевого духа (+5.5%).
Block Chance.
+2.2% Block Chance
+4470 Block Rating

Вероятность блокирования.
Evade Chance.
+2.2% Evade Chance
+4470 Evade Rating

Вероятность уклонения.
Incoming Heal Bonus.
+5.5% Incoming Heal Modifier
+4250 Incoming Healing Rating

Увеличение входящего исцеления.
Parry Chance.
+2.2% Parry Chance
+4470 Parry Rating

Вероятность парирования.
Partial Block Chance.
+4.4% Partial Block Chance
+4470 Block Rating

Вероятность частичного блокирования.
Partial Block Mitigation.
+5.5% Partial Block Mitigation
+4470 Block Rating

Смягчение урона при частичном блокировании.
Partial Evade Chance.
+4.4% Partial Evade Chance
+4470 Evade Rating

Вероятность частичного уклонения.
Partial Evade Mitigation.
+5.5% Partial Evade Mitigation
+4470 Evade Rating

Смягчение урона при частичном уклонении.
Partial Parry Chance.
+4.4% Partial Parry Chance
+4470 Parry Rating

Вероятность частичного парирования.
Partial Parry Mitigation.
+5.5% Partial Parry Mitigation
+4470 Parry Rating

Смягчение урона при частичном уклонении.
Incoming Damage Reduction (Physical).
-3.3% Incoming Melee Damage
-3.3% Incoming Ranged Damage
+2760 Physical Mitigation

Снижение входящего урона (физического).
Incoming Damage Reduction (Tactical).
-3.3% Incoming Tactical Damage
+2760 Tactical Mitigation

Снижение входящего урона (тактического).
Word of Power: Any
Word of Power: Any.
Слово силы: Любой.
Area Effect Target Count.
+4 Area Effect Target Count
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Эффект по области – число целей.
Skill Induction Speed.
-11% All Skill Inductions
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Время применения умений.
Word of Power: Any
Word of Power: Any.
Слово силы: Любой.
Skill Power Cost.
-16.5% Power Cost
+365 Maximum Power

Расход энергии.
Guardian: Word of Mastery
Guardian: General Buffs.
Страж: Общие эффекты.
Catch a Breath Cooldown & Heal.
-18.7 Catch a Breath Cooldown
+16.5% Catch a Breath Morale Heal
+4250 Incoming Healing Rating

'Передышка' – перезарядка и исцеление.
Charge Duration & Speed.
+5.5 Charge Duration
+11% Charge Run Speed
+406 Vitality

'Бросок' – скорость бега и длительность.
Force Taunt Duration.
+5.5 Force Taunt Duration
+4470 Block Rating

Вынужденные атаки – длительность.
Guardian's Ward Duration & Block Chance.
+11 Guardian's Ward Duration
+2.2% Guardian's Ward Block Chance
+4470 Block Rating

'Оберег стража' – длительность и блокирование.
Turn the Tables Cooldown.
-16.5 Turn the Tables Cooldown
+406 Vitality

'Обмен ролями' – перезарядка.
Warrior's Heart Duration.
+11 Warrior's Heart / Fortitude Duration
+4250 Incoming Healing Rating

'Сердце воина' – длительность.
Warrior's Heart Morale Heal & Maximum.
+55% Warrior's Heart / Warrior's Fortitude Morale Heal
+38.5% Warrior's Heart Max Morale
+4250 Incoming Healing Rating

'Сердце воина' – максимальный запас боевого духа и исцеление.
Guardian: Word of Mastery
Guardian: General Damage.
Страж: Основной урон.
Bash Damage.
+38.5% Bash Damage
+2760 Tactical Mitigation

'Оглушающий щит' – урон.
Guardian's Ward Damage & Parry Chance.
+38.5% Guardian's Ward Damage
+2.2% Guardian's Ward Parry Chance
+4470 Parry Rating

'Оберег стража' – урон и парирование.
Parry Response Damage.
+38.5% Reactive Parry Damage
+4470 Parry Rating

Умения 'Эха парирования' – урон.
Shield Damage.
+38.5% Shield Damage
+2760 Tactical Mitigation

Щит – урон.
Stagger Critical Chance & Duration.
+11% Stagger Critical Chance
+11 Stagger Effect Duration
+3180 Critical Rating

'Потрясение' – шанс критического урона и длительность.
Stamp Cooldown & Stamp Damage.
-11 Stamp Cooldown
+38.5% Stamp Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating

'Удар в землю' – перезарядка и урон.
Sting Damage & Critical Chance.
+38.5% Sting Damage
+5.5% Sting Critical Chance
+3180 Critical Rating

'Укол' – урон и шанс критического урона.
Sweeping Cut Damage & Critical Chance.
+38.5% Sweeping Cut Damage
+5.5% Sweeping Cut Critical Chance
+3180 Critical Rating

'Мельница' – урон и шанс критического урона.
Vexing Blow Damage.
+38.5% Vexing Blow Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating

'Удар по самолюбию' – урон.
Whirling Retaliation Damage.
+38.5% Whirling Retaliation Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating

'Вихрь возмездия' – урон.
Guardian: Word of Mastery
Guardian: The Defender of the Free.
Страж: Защитник свободы.
Increase Block Block & Parry Rating Application Chance.
+55% Adaptability Block and Parry Application Chance
+4470 Block Rating

Увеличение шанса блокирования и парирования.
Guardian's Pledge Cooldown & Magnitude.
-66 Guardian's Pledge Cooldown
+5.5% Guardian's Pledge Magnitude
+2760 Tactical Mitigation

'Обет стража' – перезарядка и эффективность.
Shield Smash Damage.
+55% Shield Smash Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating

'Разящий щит' – урон.
Warrior's Heart Stoic Bubble Strength.
+27.5% Stoic Bubble Strength
+4250 Incoming Healing Rating

'Сердце воина' – сила защитной ауры от 'Стоицизма'.
Guardian: Word of Mastery
Guardian: The Keen Blade.
Страж: Острый клинок.
Brutal Assault Damage.
+38.5% Brutal Assault Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating

'Яростный штурм' – урон.
Overwhelm Damage & Critical Chance.
+38.5% Overwhelm Damage
+5.5% Overwhelm Critical Chance
+3180 Critical Rating

'Сокрушительный удар' – урон и шанс критического урона.
To The King Damage.
+38.5% To The King Damage
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating

'За короля!' – урон.
Guardian: Word of Mastery
Guardian: The Fighter of Shadow.
Страж: Острый клинок.
Increased Block, Parry & Evade from Protection by the Shield.
+1.1% Increased Block, Parry and Evade Chances from Protection
+4470 Parry Rating

'Защищающий щит' – блокирование, парирование и уклонение.
War-chant Duration.
+5.5 War-chant Duration
+406 Vitality

'Боевая песнь' – длительность.
Word of Craft
Word of Craft
Слово ремесла
Empowered Blades.
+3380 Physical Mastery Rating

Усиленные клинки.
Empowered Block.
+5580 Block Rating

Усиленное блокирование.
Empowered Destruction.
+3980 Critical Rating

Усиленное разрушение.
Empowered Evasion.
+5580 Evade Rating

Усиленное уклонение.
Empowered Parry.
+5580 Parry Rating

Усиленное парирование.
Empowered Wizardry.
+3380 Tactical Mastery Rating

Усиленные чары.
Exemplary Block.
+5580 Block Rating

Совершенное блокирование.
Exemplary Evasion.
+5580 Evade Rating

Совершенное уклонение.
Exemplary Parry.
+5580 Parry Rating

Совершенное парирование.
Grand Armor.
+3440 Physical Mitigation

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Physical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Physical Mitigation

Великая броня.
Grand Willpower.
+3440 Tactical Mitigation

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +1.5% Tactical Mitigation
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3440 Tactical Mitigation

Великая сила воли.
Greater Resistance.
+7160 Resistance Rating

Несравненное сопротивление.
Heroic Alacrity.
+5310 Finesse Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     -3% Attack Duration
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Героическое проворство.
Perfect Healing.
+9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Outgoing Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Идеальное исцеление.
Heroic Precision.
+3980 Critical Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Critical Hit Chance
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Героическая меткость.
Perfect Recovery.
+5310 Incoming Healing Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3% Incoming Healing Modifier
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Incoming Healing Rating

Идеальное восстановление.
Ascendent Flame.
+3380 Tactical Mastery Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Fire-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3380 Tactical Mastery Rating

Восходящее пламя.
Ascendent Frost.
+5310 Finesse Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Frost-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +5310 Finesse Rating

Восходящий мороз.
Ascendent Light.
+3980 Critical Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Light-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +9230 Outgoing Healing Rating

Восходящий свет.
Ascendent Lightning.
+3980 Critical Rating

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +15% Lightning-type Damage
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +3980 Critical Rating

Восходящая молния.
Enduring Power.
+456 Maximum Power

2 Different Set Items Equipped:
     +22.8 in-Сombat Power Regen
4 Different Set Items Equipped:
     -20% Power Cost

Длительная энергия.
Word of Craft: Cook Recipe
Word of Craft: Haste Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Быстрота

Umbari Word of Craft: Haste.
+3% In-Combat Run Speed
+3910 Evade Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Быстрота.
Word of Craft: Jeweller Recipe
Word of Craft: Defence Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Защита

Umbari Word of Craft: Defence.
+5% Critical Defence
+2070 Physical Mitigation
+2070 Tactical Mitigation

Умбарское слово ремесла – Защита.
Word of Craft: Metalsmith Recipe
Word of Craft: Anger Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Гнев

Umbari Word of Craft: Anger.
+15% Damage Threat
+5% Healing Threat
+4250 Finesse Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Гнев.
Word of Craft: Scholar Recipe
Word of Craft: Tactics Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Тактика

Umbari Word of Craft: Tactics.
+3.6% Tactical Critical Multiplier
+2790 Critical Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Тактика.
Word of Craft: Tailor Recipe
Word of Craft: Shadow Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Тьма

Umbari Word of Craft: Shadow.
-5% Damage Threat
-10% Healing Threat
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Тьма.
Word of Craft: Weaponsmith Recipe
Word of Craft: Fury Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Ярость

Umbari Word of Craft: Fury.
+5% Devastate Magnitude
+2790 Critical Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Ярость.
Word of Craft: Woodworker Recipe
Word of Craft: Focus Recipe
Рецепт: Умбарское слово ремесла – Сосредоточенность

Umbari Word of Craft: Focus.
-8% All Skill Inductions
+2710 Physical Mastery Rating
+2710 Tactical Mastery Rating

Умбарское слово ремесла – Сосредоточенность.